It was thrilling to work with a professional producer on our last album. But when our friends at EardrumsPop asked if we’d contribute a song for their 5-year anniversary compilation, I seized the chance to record and mix an Onward Chariots song all by myself, entirely at home, for the first time. I edited very little and mixed as quickly as possible. The result, inspired by first hearing Spearmint‘s indie pop classic “Sweeping the Nation”, is rough but arguably extremely sincere. Enjoy!
Author: bmm
New EP previews & praise
IndieShuffle: This is the sweetest and most charming single I’ve heard in awhile! Nooga: “It Doesn’t Even Matter” may just be the summertime staple you didn’t know you needed. PopMatters: a positively infectious number
International indie-pop at Cakeshop
We’re playing with The School at Cakeshop on June 12… excited to be playing with some of the nicest people in indie-pop!
Cameo, April 14
We’re very pleased to be playing our first show at Cameo Gallery on Sunday, April 14. We’ll be sharing this beautiful, magical space with DRGN King and Walking Shapes. Our record has also just been sent to college radio stations across the U.S. – look for us at the left of the dial!
A little February tour!
Looks like we’re taking a little February tour to celebrate our album release: Saturday, February 9 – Rusty Nail, Ardmore, PA Sunday, February 10 – Galaxy Hut, Arlington, VA Sunday, February 17 – The Space, New Haven, CT Sunday, February 24 – The Rock Shop, New York, NY Come say hi!
Our album is out, and it’s on Spinner
Now you can buy our album – on iTunes, Bandcamp, CD Baby, Amazon, etc. And it’s streaming live on Spinner.
Our video premieres on BPM
Our new video premieres on BPM!
We’re featured on Magnet
Excited to have been the featured MP3 at 3PM!
We’re guests on Ear Candy!
On the Ear Candy podcast, Rus and Ben play two songs from our new album, and we engage in a long and varied discussion with Adam and Vance, two extremely interesting and funny people.
Our debut album is complete
The album now has a label – Skipping Stones – and an official release date – January 29, 2013. A couple of tracks are available for preview here… and more are coming… This is My Confession (pre-release preview) by Onward Chariots …and you can still visit the awesome hypermodern virtual release party!